Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) : Concept and Implementation (JAKARTA)

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) : Concept and Implementation (JAKARTA)


  1. Tanggal 11 Agustus 2021
  2. Tanggal 1–2 September 2021
  3. Tanggal 4–5 Oktober 2021
  4. Tanggal 1–2 November 2021
  5. Tanggal 1–2 Desember 2021

*Jadwal Training masih tentative running apabila telah mencapai quota

Why you would need this program?
If your organization is considering to implement an enterprise-wide risk management (ERM), this program is very suitable for you. It will help you to achieve better understanding of ERM: what it is all about and how to implement it in your organization.

What topics are covered?

  • This is a two-day (12 hours) workshop and it covers:
  • Introduction to the concept and importance of ERM in business;
  • ERM International Framework according to COSO (2004) and ISO 31000:2009;
  • Top-down roles and responsibilities in ERM;
  • Prerequisites for effective implementation;
  • Case Discussion

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Trainer team


Training Online, One Days Online Training :

  • Via Aplikasi Zoom : Rp 1.750.000,- (Satu Juta Tujuh Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah)

Training Offline, Two Days Offline Training :

  • Jakarta : Rp 5.000.000,- (Lima Juta Rupiah)
  • Bandung : Rp 6.000.000,- (Enam Juta Rupiah)


Ket :
Hotel Ibis Arcadia/Hotel Dreamtel / Hotel Hi / Hotel Blue Sky Jakarta

Training Online

  • Soft Copy Materi (Dikirim By Email)
  • Seminar Kits (ATK + Flashdisk) (Dikirim Via JNE)
  • Sertifikat Kehadiran (Dikirim Via JNE)

Training Offline

  • Seminar Kits ( Handcopy Materi + Tas + ATK + Flashdisk)
  • Makan Siang
  • Coffee Break
  • Sertifikat