Security Incident Report Writing

Security Incident Report Writing

Incident report writing is part of steps, tool and way to communicate and clarify the incident happened in the Company related with assets, employees, clients and operation..  This course is an effective way to know about Incident report writing to communicate and clarify crime and incident which may happened such as crime, stolen assets, natural disaster, fraud, cover root causes, investigation result of crime acts and to support prosecution and civil actions disturbance. Addresses Crime reporting, issues and creates necessary standard, procedure and incident policies, in full partnership with Company businesses. The Incident report writing develops training modules and delivery processes, analyze incident which occurred and business processes for incident handling steps, collects information and reports incident to management, and identifies new recommendation technology. We provide security Incident report writing from an update security regional and global perspective material. We provides a holistic approach to reviewing, analyzing, and presenting data available to Incident report writing, and links related information collected from multiple data sources to develop an all-source of Incident report writing. The unit also reviews and promotes data quality within Incident report writing systems, and ensures the appropriate use of analytical tools within Incident report writing. In this era of heightened concern about terrorism, crimes, sabotage, varieties natural disaster, peoples unrest and industrial espionage, we may have even more reason to attend to the security of our company’s operation, peoples, property and information. Also with the varieties of threats, hazard and risks which potentially become accident and incident.


  • Provide participants with a clear understanding of Incident report writing activity skill & knowledge.
  • Provide participants with a general knowledge of Incident report writing systems, operation and its progress.
  • Provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate or implemented what you have learned become reality in daily working operation.
  • Participant will understand and aware in regards with the Incident report writing skill and knowledge.
  • It is an effective way for you to become an Incident report writing officer, designer and programmer.
  • It is an effective and efficient investment for staff and company.


  1. Corporate buildings’ types, risks, threat and hazard which potent to an Incident
  2. Kind of corporate security incident report needs
  3. Security Incident report writing functions.
  4. Investigation of Crime, Incident and Accident concerns for Incident report writing.
  5. Cyber crime and Finance Incident report writing.
  6. Incident report writing and follow up Response.
  7. Incident report writing matrix.
  8. How to prepare an Incident report writing report
  9. Incident report writing tools, equipment and supporting documents.
  10. Necessary skill & knowledge for the Incident report writing.
  11. Excellent Incident report writing Design, Concept, Methods and System


  1. Material Presentation
  2. Film show
  3. Interactive Discussion
  4. Case Study
  5. Interactive Game

 INSTRUCTOR :   Alex Simon

VENUE : Jakarta (Maxone Hotel Menteng, Balairung Hotel Matraman, Sentral Hotel, Haris Tebet, Gd Muamalat Institute, Ibis Manggadua, Little Amaroossa Residence, Cosmo Amaroossa, Zodiak MT. Haryono, Grand Tjokro)



  • 06 Jan 2020-07 Jan 2020
  • 10 Feb 2020-11 Feb 2020
  • 09 Mar 2020-10 Mar 2020
  • 08 Apr 2020-09 Apr 2020
  • 07 Mei 2020-08 Mei 2020
  • 08 Jun 2020-09 Jun 2020
  • 06 Jul 2020-07 Jul 2020
  • 10 Agust 2020-11 Agust 2020
  • 07 Sep 2020-08 Sep 2020
  • 12 Okt 2020-13 Okt 2020
  • 09 Nop 2020-10 Nop 2020
  • 07 Des 2020-08 Des 2020


  1. Rp. 4.500.000/peserta (bayar penuh) atau
  2. Rp. 4.250.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  3. Rp. 3.950.000/peserta (peserta bergroup yang terdiri dari 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Modul Training
  2. Flashdisk Training berisi materi training
  3. Sertifikat
  4. ATK: NoteBook dan Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Ransel
  7. Foto Training
  8. Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
  9. Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak
  10. Instruktur yang Qualified