Training Dashboard Financial Modelling With Excel

Training Dashboard Financial Modelling With Excel

Pada pelatihan ini Para peserta akan mendapatkan wawasan tentang proses atau langkah-langkah dalam menciptakan model  keuangan dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel, melakukan pemeriksaan dan audit dan akhirnya menganalisis hal yang sama.

Pelatihan ini akan membekali semua peserta dengan berbagai alat untuk membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan bisnis yang kompleks dengan memasukkan beberapa faktor  di lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis. Pada akhir pelatihan, setiap peserta akan dapat membuat model keuangan secara mandiri dan melakukan analisis untuk mengambil keputusan terbaik untuk perusahaan mereka.


Semua individu yang ingin meningkatkan keterampilan pemodelan keuangan yaitu

  • Analis / profesional keuangan
  • Manajer menengah ke atas dari berbagai industri
  • Semua profesional yang ingin berurusan atau saat ini berurusan dengan pemodelan keuangan di perusahaan mereka
  • Konsultan, penasihat, dan profesional lain yang ingin meningkatkan keterampilan modeling mereka


1.      Setting up a financial model  and building project
  • Overview of best industry practices for financial modeling
  • Importance of historic information
  • Analysis of company and industry information
  • Steps for creating financial models
  • Proper presentation of various sheets and setting up the model input dashboard
2.      Preparation of Income statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet
  • Analysis of industry assumptions and their rationale for revenues & costs, assets and liabilities’ assumptions – operating cost, capex, leverage, modeling of historical ratios and trends
  • Short listing assumptions and applying adjustments
  • Applying various forecasting tools, etc
3.      Importance of key schedules and their application
  • Working capital schedule
  • Fixed assets and depreciation
  • Schedule of amortization of intangible assets
  • Preparation of debt and interest
  • Taxation
  • Equity fund raising
  • Equity gap and funding
  • Components of cash and non-cash working capital
  • Working capital ratios and their interpretation
  • Forecasting working capital requirements
4.      How to create capex and funding schedules includng multiple debts
  • Equity and debt fund raising and repayment structure
  • Debt waterfall mechanism
  • Checking debt repayment ratios, leverage and covenants
5.      Integeration  of income statement , balanced and cash flow
  • Industry practices on handling exceptions
  • Integration of Cash Flows, Income Statement and Balance Sheet
  • How to handle Circular References in financial modeling
6.      Establish scenarios and sensivity Analysis
  • Use of data for sensitivity analysis
  • Importance of scenario manager
  • Identifying suitable scenarios and sensitivities and their impact on financial analysis
  • Managing key pitfalls in the analysis
7.      How to analyse the  data
  • Data sorting and Data filtering
  • Creating, customizing Pivots Tables, advanced pivot tables and analysis
  • V-LOOK UP and H-LOOK UP, Macros, Goal Seek and other analysis
  • Solver function and its uses
8.      How to apply different Financial Analysis techniques model
  • Importance of PV, NPV and IRR and their link with company valuation
  • How to analysis various capital budgeting decisions
  • Calculation of various ratios
  • Calculate the weighted average cost of capital using capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
  • Calculation of WACC
  • Investment and exit analysis – equity IRR, project IRR etc
9.      Approaches to apply different valuation tecniques  in the model
  • Different methods of valuation – DCF, Multiples, comparables etc
  • Discounted Cash Flow valuation and different multiples based methodologies
  • Importance of terminal valuation
  • Current industry practices followed in company valuation using single or multiple methodologies
  • How to factor size and illiquidity discount in the final valuation
  • Incorporate various adjustments to the publicly available versions of company valuation


Training Online, One Days Online Training :

  1. Via Aplikasi Zoom : Rp 1.750.000,- (Satu Juta Tujuh Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah)

Training Offline, Two Days Offline Training :

  1. Jakarta : Rp 5.000.000,- (Lima Juta Rupiah)
  2. Bandung : Rp 6.000.000,- (Enam Juta Rupiah)

Ket :
Hotel Ibis Arcadia/Hotel Dreamtel / Hotel Hi / Hotel Blue Sky Jakarta


Training Online

  1. Soft Copy Materi (Dikirim By Email)
  2. Seminar Kits (ATK + Flashdisk) (Dikirim Via JNE)
  3. Sertifikat Kehadiran (Dikirim Via JNE)

Training Offline

  1. Seminar Kits ( Handcopy Materi + Tas + ATK + Flashdisk)
  2. Makan Siang
  3. Coffee Break
  4. Sertifikat


  1. Tanggal 20–21 Oktober 2021 | Tanggal 20 Oktober 2021
  2. Tanggal 15–16 November 2021 | Tanggal 15 November 2021
  3.   Tanggal 15–16 Desember 2021 | Tanggal 15 Desember 2021

*Jadwal Training masih tentative running apabila telah mencapai quota